Monday 15 November 2010

Real Live Transplant!

Today I saw a real live transplant, and it was one of my patients from a few placements back, so it was so nice to hear how they were doing and also nice to see them getting what they needed :)

Although it was absolutely amazing to see, something that now I have 2 shifts to go as a student, I probably won't ever get the chance to see didn't excite me as much as I think it normally would have. Don't get me wrong, I loved it, I really appreciate being given the chance to see a transplant and looking back a year ago I would have literally done anything to see one, I think there are two (or possibly three) main reasons why I wasn't as excited about on reflection (!) they are...

1) When I was first a student, I was excited and naive enough to be excited by watching surgery. It makes a lot of the anatomy side of things make sense, and I learn SO much from watching, and I know I've not much more time as a student left and I should enjoy it BUT when I was first a student it was an exciting thing to see but I didn't see the bigger picture. Now I'm getting on in my training I can't help but see the bigger picture. All I can think of is how the patients mam is doing (she donated) how the dad is feeling (he's waiting in the patients cubicle on his own) and how the patient will feel when they comes round. How quickly the patient and their mam will take to recover, how the dad will seperate his time between the two now that they're in different hospitals...all sorts. I feel like I can't see the black and white of things, but keep getting drawn into the grey, HOWEVER I don't think this is a bad thing at all. I feel like it's making me become a real nurse that I care about all aspects of this family.

2) I was with another student who was also in her final year, though not on her management placement, and to be honest, she was the most irritating person I have met in a long while. She thinks nurses are useless and she wants to be a doctor. So why do nursing I hear you ask? Because it makes the post graduate medicine program easier to get on to with clinical experience and also that post grad course is quicker to do (4 years as opposed to 6 or whatever). So what? Why take up the place of a potential nursing student by doing a course you don't like when you could just do into medicine first hand? She wants to do her management in theatres and she proceeded to tell me throughout the (wrong) information during the operation, I didn't say anything, just let her be cos you know what? I want to be a NURSE and I see the patient as a person, not a body. And I'm not ashamed. But this fellow student 'nurse' pretty much ruined things for me today and she made some pretty amazing mistakes when with the family in question, but it's ok, I was just glad to see the patient recover and hear their Mam did ok, then pass on the news to their dad that they was in recovery. THAT to me is real nursing, and though some people might see it as below being a doctor I don't care. It's what I love and I wouldn't change for the world.

3) I'm sad that I'm almost finished my training. I have LOVED every single second and whilst I don't cry, I can see some tears when I finish in two shifts time. It's scary to say goodbye to studentism (made up that word) and say hello to real life nursing. I've had to do an essay on the transition of student to nurse and although it's not handed in, I feel I've done badly because on some days I've mentally pre-made that transition whilst on others I'm still a student with so much more to learn and experience. I think this transition would be made so much easier on the ward I'm on, and that's how I've written the essay as I know I'd be supported so much here. Thing is there are no jobs, well none I can get, so I'm having to get my head around working on another ward and that's pretty scary!

Anyhoo that's an end to a very mixed feelings blog.


  1. Don't worry, I'm sure someone will snap you up!! Soon you'll be in a qualified post and changing people's lives!!

  2. Aww I've just seen your comment, thank you :o) x
