Saturday 6 November 2010

6 Shifts Of Being A Student To Go

I've only got 6 shifts...or....two weeks...or...75 hours to go as a student nurse.

It makes me SO sad! I want to stay longer and work more. I still feel like I have SO much more to learn. I love the ward, the kids, the people, the MDT, I love it all. I want to stay here and never ever leave. I wish management placement was a year long. OK, that may be going too far, I couldn't survive another year on student wages, but I still feel like I have so much more to learn, experience and do and this ward is just the absolutely perfect place to do it. I want a job here! I LOVE IT!

Back to reality, there are only 4 things standing between me getting signed off as a 'proper' nurse...PROPER NURSE!

1) Getting competencies signed off, as I've had hardly any signed off this placement, no fault of anyone, just cos it's gone so quickly and we're always busy it's hard to find the time!

2) Passing the essay I just handed in

3) Writing and passing this essay I'm doing at the moment



So excited yet so scared, worried and still doubtful that I will do all this. I'll either fail an essay or be told I can't be signed off. I won't believe it til I have it on paper.

To add to it, there going. Well a couple in A&E of which I've applied for, but as a rule, with two hospitals merging right now, it's not the best time. Still, fingers crossed, something will happen.

But you know what, as for this ward I just love it, I can't imagine not being here, I don't know what I'll do when, in just TWO WEEKS, I don't have to get up early anymore to come to work, don't have to wonder about patients on days off, don't have to work my life around shifts...will seem so strange, and a strange I don't like!

Can't lie in that I'll appreciate having Christmas off for probably the last time ever! But, for this ward, I would actually be ok working Christmas Day, I'd love to see the kids faces in the morning.

Anyway, time for sleep I think, haven't been sleeping well, am worried about having no money after my last bursary in December, applied for all sorts of Christmas jobs to tide me over, but what I really want is a nurse job. A first real nurse job. It probably won't happen on this ward, but even though I love this ward so much, I am willing to work any ward, I JUST WANT TO BE A NURSE!!!

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