Friday 19 December 2008

Bit of a MAJOR STRESS!!!

I really hate filling out forms. I always cock them up but asking for two would make me look a bit special. I need to fill out the Bursary one then the CRB one when I get it.

I start 12th Jan and I still haven't heard anything, so I decided to try and be pro-active. I rang the NHS Bursary place to see what my student number is, which I need in order to complete the form, it's all filled in apart from this one bit. So calling them up and I find out they don't even have me on record, then they suggested I call the Uni to make sure I definately have a place!

*major massive panic*

The nice lady at Uni says they've not sent the list of people who are doing my course, which is why the Bursary people don't have a clue who I am. Was a bit relieved, but after I put the phone down I thought I should have asked if she could double check my name was on their list, as I get myself stressed easily (What if they didn't get my confirmation that I'd take the place? What if they don't have enough people on the course so they don't run it this year? What if I'll be too late to get my bursary?...) Like I say I stress myself out! So basically I'm no further forward, and I wish it wasn't all so last minute! Actually no, scrap that, I wish it was further forward, say, middle of January so I'd have started, got my stuff sorted and be getting stuck in!

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