Thursday 25 August 2011

Taking A Step Back?

I've just re-read my last blog and though I didn't seem confident that I'd get the job, it appears that I was expecting an interview, which I didn't realise at the time of writing, but I kinda was expecting to get interviewed...yet I don't even get that. I have no idea what I've done wrong to not even get an interview at least:

1. Have experience of being on the ward. Check.
2. Advert asking for NQ nurses. Check.
3. More than one job available. Check.
4. Made a good impression (according to the ward sister, charge nurse and other staff.) Check.
5. Have a good knowledge of the ward and procedures. Check.
6. Made sure my 'Supporting Information' bit fitted all job description criteria. Check.
7. Got it in in plenty of time AND recieved confirmation email to say they'd got it. Check.

I literally cannot think of anymore that I could have done to improve my chances of at least an interview. I'm annoyed, upset, frustrated, but above all, losing hope and confidence. I really thought that I'd have got a job by now. I mean, I knew it'd be hard, but I didn't think it would be this soul destroying.

Oh well. Least I'm still trying (just about...). There were 2 paeds nursing job advertised on the NHS site today, of which I've applied. It's like buses, none for weeks then two on the same day. One is on the ward I did my management on, but I know there is a nurse who works full time on the bank there and is waiting for a permanent position to come up, so I'm not building my hopes up. Look at my last blog, I was so excited and happy and felt 'this was it' but look how far I got! Lesson learnt, I'm not allowing myself to hope. Well ok, maybe just a teeny weensy tiny little bit - after all what is life without hope?

In other news, I've found this fantastic charity website called 'Post Pals' it is an organisation which helps put a smile on the faces of children in hospital, by a simple letter or gift. The website is HERE and anyone that reads this blog, it'd be so fab if you could take the time to write a letter. I know from experience of being on the wards that many kids get bored, especially the early teens, so a letter could really make their day! I'm going to send a few :)

Anyway, that's all for now, still hoping and still trying. I really hope something good happens.

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