Sunday 25 October 2009

Reality Bites

OK so I think reality has hit home. As much as I LOVE placements, reality has come knocking and I need to be good at essays and exams.

For me, being a good nurse is NOT about writing essays, NOT about writing a critique about papers, and NOT about being good at exams.

Being a nurse is about seeing your patients and treating them well, noticing when they need medical assistance or simply need an ear and a word of care.


Seriously, I'm being forced in to being a research person. If I wanted to be a researcher I would apply to do a research course. It's so ridiculous.

I am trying SO hard to do research, like we've been told to do, when really, it feels so false. I want to be a nurse, not a researcher.

Everytime I try to do this work, I get annoyed and frustrated at my self and literally fight the urge to rip the papers in half. I would seriously, not be surprised at myself if I walked out during the exam. It's too much to ask for someone who wants to be a nurse, to sit there for FOUR hours, and critique a paper...I WANT TO BE A NURSE NOT A RESEARCHER. Why can't they get it.

It's times like these that I think, yes, I want to do a course which is less demanding, less stressful and although it takes me longer, I will become a nurse.

That's all I want, to be a nurse. What's so wrong with that?!

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