Tuesday 3 February 2009


I'm feeling ultra happy today, I don't know whether it's because it's snowing like crazy and looks so pretty, or just whether I'm generally feeling pretty contented with life! Either way it's a nice feeling!

So what have I been up to? Loads! I've been so busy, if I'm not in lectures I'm reading as much as I can or writing up notes...it's never ending BUT I LOVE IT! I think my last blog was a bit moany, and I don't moan! I decided that instead of worrying about being so behind compared to everyone else, and instead of thinking I couldn't do this, I decided to kick myself up the backside and just put my all in to it! If then, after spending every spare minute I have studying, and I still feel behind, then I'll ask a tutor or someone in my group for a bit of help! I'm just going to think positively and hopefully it'll work!

Anyhoo, so far since I started a mere...3 weeks ago, I've learnt loads, from anatomy to child protection acts, from models of nursing to taking manual blood pressures (hard I tell you!) but I'm really enjoying it! I'm getting itchy feet a bit as I really want to go out on placement and see it all in practice! I think I'll learn so much more from doing it, or seeing it, than I ever will from just reading about it! I can't wait! I'm not even bothered about early starts and long hours, I want to enjoy every second of it! I still feel like I'm in a dream and someone will pinch me and tell me I'm not really going to be a nurse! I know I'm wishing my life away but I can't wait to become a fully qualified nurse and get my dream job working with neonates. Still, I'm sure the 2 years will fly by and I'll be missing my student days!

That's me done, I'm half way through writing up some child protection stuff, and whilst I know it's important to know this, it's really upsetting to read some of it, so I thought I'd let myself have a little break and make a blog!

Catch you later!

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