Saturday, 22 October 2011

Just...sad :(

I'm sad :(

I didn't get the job, unsuprisingly, I was completely crap at the interview, even I wouldn't have given myself the job! Nerves got the better of me. I did everything I could, I read up on everything, practised my interview answers, I was completely prepared. But despite me feeling I did crap at interview, the Sister who phoned to say I was unsucessful, said it had gone to someone with more experience. Yet again. I feel completely let down by the RCN, NMC, Uni, and of course myself. I was led to believe I'd walk into a job after qualifying, but the way the government is now, it's not what you know, it's who you know, and it's not how good you are, it's how clever you play the game.

All I can say is - after 10 months being qualified, applying for pretty much every job going, both here and world wide (seriously), preparing for my interviews weeks in advance, doing good (mainly) at interviews but losing out to qualified or bank staff, recieving excellent feed back, or if not excellent feedback, constructive criticism, reading up on areas I need to, keeping up to date with current affairs and doing as much charity work as I can - I AM DONE. It's over. End of. I can't put myself through this anymore. Yes, I want to be a nurse more than anything in the world but I have to face it, I'm clearly not good enough. I've been sad for the last few days from the interview. But I've decided, I'm done. I'm just...done. I can't do it anymore. I thought it would be a relief to finally admit defeat in nursing, but it's not, I just feel sad. Good Luck to all student nurses for your future x


  1. Im sorry to hear you didnt get the job. Dont give up on something you really want though, it must be so hard and so heart breaking every time, take some time for yourself but dont give up. You'll get there one day x

  2. Please don't give up how about bank work to get more experiance ?? xx
