Saturday 4 July 2009


I think I'm finally turning a corner.

I'm not feeling so low anymore. I was seriously considering leaving this course, but I'm not a quitter and I don't know what I was thinking, someone needed to slap some sense in me. I don't know if it's because my placement finished yesterday (finally!!!) or because I've managed to get a bit of work done, or because I've found out my next placement or because I finally got a half decent nights sleep or just because I'm feeling a bit like I've got rid of some of the load I've been carrying round?

I'm not the most confident person as it is and this placement and all that has happened has just stripped away all of the little confidence I had but I logged on to the placement thing today and found my next one and my tummy did a little flip, as in a 'woo hoo a nursing placement!' type thing so that must be the nurse in me, maybe I won't make such a terrible nurse?

Anyway, I'm finally getting there, turning a corner and (hopefully) looking forward to going back to Uni next week. All I need to do now is fix my essay, memorise my speech for the presentation, do some more work for another presentation...not much then!